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Dude Ranchers Association
PO Box 2307, Cody, Wyoming 82414 - 307 587 2339
+ 1 970 223 8440
Produces a directory of more than 100 holiday ranches across the west of the US and Canada.
Scotland Trekking and Riding available from the Scotting Tourist Board or (0131) 332 2433.
Details around 40 approved centres and riding options from treks for the complete novice the challenging trail rides.
Great Riding Holidays: A Global Guide to Holidays on Horseback John Ruler and Arthur Sacks, Complete Traveller US, £14.95.
A guide to finding horse riding holidays around the world, detailing type of horse used, tack, and how much experience is necessary, as well as descriptions of the locality and accommodation details. Establishments are grouped by countries. |