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Specialist Holiday Camps

Anglia Theatre Summer Schools
Forest School Camps
The UK Sailing Academy
Windmill Hill Place

Specialist Reports Just For Families Summer Camps Specialist Holiday Camps Forest School Camps 


Forest School Camps

Send A5 SAE for a brochure to Lottie Davies,
21 Dukes Avenue,
London N10 2PS (or see web site)

Run by a voluntary organisation, the aim is for participants to discover for themselves how to do things and they are encouraged to take responsibility and reach own decisions individually and as a group. Concern and care for selves, others and the environment, resourcefulness and self-confidence are all encouraged. It is hoped that children will return as staff.
Some camps are suitable for active children with special needs such as learning or physical disabilities.
Some parents feel the liberalism extends too far, reporting non-smoking children returning as smokers for example.

How Long Operating

Started In the 1930s.

Age Groups

Elves 6.6 to 7.11, Woodlings 8.0 to 10.11, Trailseekers 11.0 to 12.11, Trackers 13.0 to 14.11, and Pathfinders 15.0 to 17.11. New campers not normally accepted after 15th birthday. Even new 13 and 14-year-olds may not find places.

Size of Groups

Teams of 'a few children and adults' take responsibility for cooking, collecting wood etc.

Total per Centre

At small camps 25-35, at larger ones 60-70.

Carer to Child Ratios

1:1 or 1:3 or 4, depending on age group of camp.

Staff Checks and Qualifications

No formal system but usually known through friends or family as a close-knit organisation. All attend a training weekend before being accepted.

Size of Centre

In tents, generally two-person, ideally provided by the child.


Continuous though with freedom to explore and spend time with peers.


Making fires, gathering and cutting wood, cooking, organising a two to four-day hikes, shopping with camp funds. Also possibly swimming, exploring, night walks, country dancing, camp fires and games. A final session round a camp fire with improvisations and entertainments and a session reviewing the camp and suggesting changes for the following year.
Activity camps are semi-mobile or mobile, travelling on foot, by bike or canoe, some strenuous, some easier.

On Site Facilities

Camps are set up for the holiday only.


Basic camp fire, handled by the children themselves - sausages etc.

Getting There

There is escorted transport from London and it is recommended children take this if possible. From outside London they can join the relevant trains at any stops.

Sample Price

For a fortnight in July £265 others £40-£185. Family discounts of £15 per child if three or more from the same family. Concessions.


© FamilyTravel 2006