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Practicalities Getting Organised Safety Avoiding Crime
Tourists may be targeted by criminals because they are known to be carrying money and passports and because they are a little distracted. Having children with you can make you an easier target so it's important to remember the usual rules.
- Don't look like a tourist. Rather than hovering looking lost but plan your route in advance. Don't show your guidebook off - whether on the seat of the car or in your hand, and if taking a hire car specify that you want one without the company markings and with local number plates. Dress so you don't stand out - whether in clothes which are too smart or too casual.
- Travel light so you can move easily. A backpack is very useful but don't keep valuables in it but rather in a pouch or moneybelt at the front where you can see it.
- Think about taking a mobile phone so you can always get in touch with help.
- Take photocopies of the relevant pages of your passport, driver's licence, airline tickets, credit cards, in case they are lost.
- Avoid taking food or drink from strangers and warn your children to do the same. If you wish not to appear rude you could offer to take it ‘to eat later'. These items are sometimes drugged, particularly if you are on a long trip by train or coach.
(updated 15 April, 2006) |