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Cox & Kings Travel

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As well as group tours organises individual trips from the brochure or tailormade.


India and trips to see tigers and or rhino. In Nepal there is a trip taking in the Chitwan National Park along with cultural sites. Two nights at the park include elephant back safaris to see rhino (there are reported around 600 so a sighting is likely), canoe outing and walking safari, all with a dedicated naturalist to guide the family. There are also crocodiles and the Chitwan Temple Tiger centre. However, if you really want to see tigers the ‘In Search of the Tiger' trip is recommended as it covers both the Bandhavgarh and Kanha parks (the setting for Mowgli's adventures) in Madhya Pradesh. Three days in one and four at another almost guarantee a sighting but getting there involves a 20-minute flight from Delhi and then a 10-hour drive, and a further five-hour drive between the two parks, and again a five-hour drive to catch a plane back to Delhi. In addition there are attractions nearby like the temples of Bateshwar, as well as the Taj Mahal.

Sample Price

For the Royal Nepal trip around £2,375 per person for 15 nights, In search of the Tiger is £2,775 per person for 13 days.


© FamilyTravel 2006