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Plas Taliaris |
Specialist Reports Special Interest Holidays Alternative Holidays UK Holidays and Places to Stay Plas Taliaris
A lovely grade I listed Georgian mansion overlooking the Towy Valley in West Wales, run by a community which believes in the practice of mindfulness in daily life. The centre runs retreats, courses and working visits run and booked through other organisations including the School of Holistic Dowsing (01558) 685 417 schoolofholisticdowsing ; British School of Shiatsu-do (020) 7281 1412; Free to be me Workshops freetobeme ; and Aroter Tibetan Buddhists (01225) 873 036 aroter . Yoga of Heart (01730) 261 001 heartyoga . The centre welcomes families with children and of the groups mentions finds that Aroter, Shiatsu-do and Yoga of the heart groups are most likely to bring children with them. Food is exclusively vegetarian. Sample PriceDepend on the course but range from around £100 per person per weekend. |
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