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The Cycling Trailguide is produced by the publishers of On Your Bike, the “only family cycling magazine in the world” published three times a year at £6.60. For a subscription tel: 0191 213 2058. As well as more general cycling articles it includes features on ditching stabilisers, tips on cycling with kids, child equipment, and taking the kids on a cycling holiday.

Breton Bikes offers general information on cycling (and camping) with kids.

The CTC publishes a guide to cycle hire centres around Britain including details of whether child seats are offered, children's bikes, trailers and more, including wheelchair bikes for the disabled. For a copy send an A5 SAE to Cycle Hire, CTC, 69 Meadrow, Godalming Surrey, GU7 3HS.

AA Publications publishes a number of cycling books with routes or the web site offers a search facility for routes starting from a specified post code.

The British Tourist Authority offers information for cyclists and on cycling holidays on the site.

Sigma Leisure publishes guides on cycling in the UK.

Cicerone publishes guides including to cycling overseas.

(updated 15 April, 2006)

© FamilyTravel 2006