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Precautionary Steps

Practicalities Getting Organised Travel in Pregnancy Precautionary Steps 

Depending on how things are going, what stage of pregnancy you have reached, and how fretful you are when travelling, you might like to take your antenatal notes with you. It would definitely be wise to take a record of any medication you might be taking.

In the event of an emergency overseas you could go directly to a hospital, but as standards can vary it could be reassuring to research before your departure what facilities there are in the area you are visiting. One precaution is to obtain the name of a recommended local obstetrician. Your hotel, local agent or the tourist office would be the starting points for this.

It might also be useful to obtain the local numbers for the British Embassy or Consulate, just in case you need them in an emergency. This is especially true if you are going anywhere at all remote.

In the UK to obtain medical treatment away from home either go directly to casualty or ask to be registered as a temporary resident with a local GP.

Details of any treatment given on your trip should be sent to your antenatal carers.

(updated 16 April, 2006)

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