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Practicalities Health Complementary Homeopathy 

The following has been written by Caroline Gaskin, a mother and homeopath practising in north London. She can be reached for consulations on (020) 7263 0767 or She can provide tailormade homeopathic travel kits at £30 for 18 remedies.

Which Remedy When?

Rule number one is don't panic! Rule number two is if you choose the wrong remedy it may not work but it won't harm you either, homeopathic remedies are safe. Kits come with a list of ailments and suitable remedies so scroll down the list to find, for instance, 'Bruising' and pick the most appropriate remedy suggested. Remedies come in different strengths indicated by a number after the name, for first aid the priority is choosing the right remedy and repeating it as often as needed.

You should expect to see a response quite quickly. Often people say 'there's nothing wrong with me, I'm OK' when clearly they've suffered a bump and are in shock. When given Arnica they become more focused and are able to manage the pain. Watch for the return of the symptoms and give another dose when it hurts again. It may be that you decide to give Aconite to a child screaming in shock after a knock and when the fright has passed you give the Arnica to heal - always try to prescribe on what you observe. You might prescribe Bryonia for a sprained ankle that hurts whenever it's moved and alternate it with Arnica for the bruising & shock. It's quite safe to alternate two remedies like this.

How to Take Remedies

It's best not to handle homeopathic remedies so tip one pillule into the bottle cap and then drop it into the tongue and allow to dissolve for a few seconds before swallowing. Children usually like to crunch the pillules, so just get them to suck the pillule for a few seconds before they crunch! Remedies should be taken in a clean mouth and, unlike most prescribed medication, they do not need to be taken with food or water. It is best to try and avoid food or drink for 10 minutes before and after taking a remedy to get the maximum benefit.


Never hesitate to call the doctor or go to hospital if you are alarmed by a situation. Keep giving the remedy frequently as this will promote and speed healing - Arnica before the ambulance can save lives.

Top Seven Remedies for Skiing

Most remedies mentioned here are for injuries, but don't forget Arg Nit 6c for allaying fears, particularly fear of flying. Take as often as hourly during the flight. It's also good for fear of heights, so think of using it for nerves in the cable car or on ski lifts.

Aconite 30c is another remedy worth having as it's good for the simple fear and panic state that can accompany any first aid situation. It can also be given if anyone gets chilled and starts to come down with a fever, earache or sore throat.

Arnica 30c is our number one remedy for bumps and bruises. Given as soon as possible after an injury it will help to reduce pain, swelling and bruising and help to deal with any shock. It's also excellent to take if you are restless and can't sleep after over-exertion on the slopes. The common name for Arnica is, appropriately, Mountain Daisy and it flowers in the Alpine meadows.

Bryonia 30c is the remedy to use if someone is injured and the slightest movement causes pain.

Rhus Tox 30c helps to ease achey muscles. particularly the big muscle groups in back and thighs ie. the ones you use most for skiing! Take one or two doses apres ski.

Ruta 30c is for smaller muscle group and tendon injuries, so you might use this for sprained kness, wrists and ankles after you have dealt with the initial shock (Arnica) and the stage where every movement hurts (Bryonia)

Nux Vomica 30c hourly for six doses is good for partied-out children and adult hangovers.

(updated 16 April, 2006)

© FamilyTravel 2006