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Working with Formal Education

Practicalities Getting Organised Getting More Out of It Working with Formal Education 

There are 10 subjects in the English National Curriculum and in each there are attainment targets (ATs) and Programmes of Study (PoS). These indicate the range of knowledge, skills and understanding pupils should be taught at school. On a more extended trip you might like to work in elements which could support a wider range of Curriculum subjects, here we look at those which are most immediately relevant when children travel.

For more information and up-dates contact The Information Team, National Curriculum Council, Albion Wharf, 25 Skeldergate, York YO1 2XL.

If the trip will involve taking the child out of school it might be possible to agree on a trip project with the school.

One family on a long trip sent back regular reports and drawings which were then used as material for discussion and teaching in class. On shorter trips the child could present the material afterwards in person.


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